先日日本へ帰省した際、ふと雑誌の記事で見た諺。 英語のことわざ、名言、格言を学ぶということは、英語の勉強という意味だけでなく、英語圏の文化や哲学も同時に学ぶ事ができるのだと書いてあり、なるほど~と思いました。 星の数ほどあれど、皆さんはどのぐらいご存知でしょう? 今回はあ行で始まるものを抜粋してみました。
あばたもえくぼ: Love is blind
後は野となれ山となれ: I don’t care what follows
当たって砕けろ: Go to the sea if you would like to fish well
雨降って地固まる: The ground is firmer after the rain.
案ずるより生むが易し: Fear is often greater than the peril.
石橋を叩いて渡る: Look before you leap.
急がば回れ: The more haste, the less speed.
一難去ってまた一難: Out of the frying pan into the fire.
一石二鳥: Kill two birds with one stone.
因果応報: One will reap what one has sown.
犬も歩けば棒に当たる: Never go looking for trouble. または Seek and ye shall find.
以心伝心:hat which comes from the heart will go to the heart.
生みの親より育ての親: foster parent may be dearer than a real parent.
嘘つきは泥棒の始まり: Lying is a next door neighbor to stealing.
馬の耳に念仏: Talking to a brick wall.
売り言葉に買い言葉: One ill word begets another.
英雄色を好む: He who loves not wine, women & song is a fool for life.
海老で鯛を釣る: Catching a big fish with a small bait.
男は度胸: A faint heart never wins a fair lady.
女心と秋の空: A woman’s heart changes like a wind.
終わり良ければ全て良し: All is well that ends well.
鬼に金棒: An added advantage
鬼の目にも涙: Even the hard-hearted can be moved to tears.
溺れる者は藁をも掴む: A drowning man will grasp at a straw
思い立ったが吉日: Make hay while the sun shines
親孝行したい時には親は無し: By the time one wishes to be a good son, one’s parents are long gone.
親の顔が見たい: The son is what his father makes.
親馬鹿: Doting parents
親の心子知らず: No child knows how dear he is to his parents
親はなくとも子は育つ: Nature is one’s good mother.
恩を仇で返す: Repaying good with evil.